See below rules and regulations for entering NZ

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Foreign flagged vessels and yachts, with pre-booked refit and repairs, are able to clear into New Zealand.

The refit, repair or refurbishment of the vessel/yacht applying for an exemption must be of substantial nature, not less NZ$50,000 in cost.  NZ Marine in association with the Ministry of Health, MBIE, Immigration NZ and Maritime NZ has developed a step-by-step guide to the process to apply for a border exemption for a visiting vessel.

 NZ Marine member superyacht agents and NZ Marine member major boat yards can assist visiting yachts wishing to visit New Zealand with a border exemption application. Contact your preferred agent or shipyard.


Visiting from Australia

Cruising craft and superyachts departing Australia can gain entry to New Zealand, under an exemption for vessels with NZ$50,000 in service or refit bookings. 

With the implementation of a new air border agreement, owners’ family and friends who either have an Australian passport or have been allowed into Australia (and have spent an additional 14 days in Australia after isolation), can fly to New Zealand through the Australian/New Zealand trans-Tasman bubble and join their vessel.

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Provision has been made for clearance into New Zealand for the manning of vessels, for both crew arriving with the vessel, and rotational crew arriving by air. There' is a step-by-step process to follow in order to complete this which, though thorough, is not prohibitive.

Please contact your preferred agent, or your assisting shipyard who will be able to complete this process on behalf of the vessel.

To find an agent or shipyard, please see the NZ Marine directory, here.


See our news, brochures and more info below

NEWS UPDATE - 17 May 2022
All New Zealand border restrictions will lift from midnight July 31, with full details available at Immigration NZ. For more information please contact your preferred supplier or see a list of yacht agents here and shipyards here.
